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We have five radiotherapy devices, including an Artest device that can bear heavy weights of up to 200 kilograms, and a device from Varian, which uses the latest generations of innovative radiation therapy technologies, as well as three new Elekta Infinity devices that were installed in 2023.

  • We have five radiation therapy devices, including an Artest device that can bear heavy weights of up to 200 kilograms, and a device from Varian, which uses the latest generations of innovative radiation therapy technologies, as well as three new Elekta Infinity devices that were installed in 2023 and are equipped with the latest international technologies. In radiotherapy for tumors, such as the 3D congruent radiotherapy technique (3DCRT) and the IMRT technique, which is a technique for treating tumors very close to the tumor in order to deliver the full radiation dose to the tumor while protecting the organs and healthy tissues surrounding the tumor.
  • And the technique [VMAT [RapidArc], in which the size of the tumor is simulated from all directions very accurately, while preserving the healthy organs and tissues surrounding the tumor.
  • And the Gating [Tracking] technique, in which moving tumors are tracked while receiving radiotherapy sessions, such as lung tumors, with the aim of not leaving any part of the tumor outside the scope of the radiation field, and with the aim of not entering any other healthy part within the radiation field.
  • Surgical radiology techniques Frameless SRS and SBRT, and it is worth noting that surgical radiology is an effective alternative to traditional radiotherapy with a lower risk and side effects than usual in some cases of tumors, where the patient is treated by surgical radiology through only one, three or five sessions, according to his condition Compared to 30 to 40 sessions of traditional radiology, which helps speed up treatment and recovery and reduce patients' suffering, in addition to reducing waiting lists and avoiding repeated visits to receive radiotherapy.
  • The TSEI technology is used to treat skin cancer, which is unique to Ayadi 4040 in Egypt, as it is provided free of charge.
  • 46,417 sessions were done in 2023.
  • The number of radiotherapy sessions that have been done since 2005 is 1,225,286 sessions
  • RadioTherapy
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