
  • Fawry provides you with the ease and also the safety of donating to Ayady4040 Association
  • And that is after the cooperation between “Fawry” for banking and electronic payments technology and the Ayady4040 Association.. You can use the electronic collection services of the Fawry company to ensure that your donations arrive and deposit them in the association’s account (with the possibility of allocating the donation).
  • The service can be used through the company’s collection channels, which include ATMs of banks participating in the Fawry service and electronic collection points available in pharmacies, supermarkets, Egyptian post offices and other channels shared in the service. During the donation, you can specify the donation, whether it is a general donation or a bed guarantee, and We will make sure that the donation has arrived with you through the receipt data.
  • How to donate:

  • 1. Upon reaching one of the places described above, the donation will be reported in the list (payment with service code).
  • 2. The collector asks you for the code number (933/ bed donation - 968/ chemotherapy - 969/ devices)
  • 3. The collector is informed of the value of the donation, then the donor's mobile number is entered with an instant machine.
  • 4. Wait until you receive the receipt with the recipient's hands written on it and the type of donation.
  • 5. To ensure that the donation has been received, you can call (during working hours) the hospital at 03-3785123 after 72 hours have passed since the donation.
  • Fawry
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