The initiative of the people of Nuba

The initiative of the people of Nuba

Nubia Help Initiative to support oncology patients at ayady almostakbal

Visit of the Alexandria Businessmen Association to Ayady almostakbal Hospital

Visit of the Alexandria Businessmen Association to Ayady almostakbal Hospital

Ayadi 4040 Association was honored by a visit from the Businessmen Association in Alexandria to provide support to Ayadi Al-Mustaqbal Hospital to treat tumors free of charge for those unable to do so. They toured the place and learned about all the hospital’s departments and the services they provide to all patients.

A visit from Everest International School

A visit from Everest International School

Today, Ayadi 4040 received a visit from a group of students from Everest International School, where they learned about the different hospital departments and the services that Ayadi 4040 provides free of charge to oncology patients



The Ayadi 4040 Association was honored by the Authentic Egyptian Environment Association, and they were welcomed by Dr. Amr Abbasi, Director General of Ayadi Al-Mustaqbal Hospital. They got to know all the departments and spread an atmosphere of joy among the patients, adults and children.

A group of pharmacists visited Ayady4040

A group of pharmacists visited Ayady4040

Ayadi4040 was honored to visit a group of pharmacists in Alexandria, Class of 1983. They were received by Dr. Amr Abbasi, Director of Ayadi Al-Mustaqbal Hospital for free oncology treatment in Alexandria. His Excellency accompanied the group on a comprehensive tour of the hospital to learn about all the medical equipment, rare devices, and the many health services that the hospital provides to patients for free.

Taiba Lions Club, Alexandria Visit

Taiba Lions Club, Alexandria Visit

Ayadi 4040 Association was honored by the Taiba Lions Club of Alexandria Visit - in which they learned about the departments of Ayadi Al-Mustaqbal Hospital and provided financial support by donating to treat patients with various tumors.

Visit Saint Mark's School

Visit Saint Mark's School

We must always encourage our children to feel compassion for others and have a positive role in society. That is why the students of St. Mark’s Primary School visited ayady almostakbal Hospital and learned about the medical departments and services and provided psychological and material support to patients.

A visit from the Church of the Virgin in Asafra (one heart group)

A visit from the Church of the Virgin in Asafra (one heart group)

Ayady 4040 received visit from the Church of the Virgin in Asafra on August 1, where they learned about the various departments and services provided by the hospital and provided moral support to patients

Group of doctors from Tanzania, fare receiving their certificates

Group of doctors from Tanzania, fare receiving their certificates

Group of doctors from Tanzania consisting of an oncologist, a medical physicist, a radiotherapy technician and a nurse, fare receiving their certificates after finishing their training on the treatment device Brachytherapy, which is one of the most recent devices for treating tumors of the uterus, cervix, and nasopharynx, under the supervision of a group of Ayadi 4040 doctors, in cooperation with Magi Medical Company.

The visit of the Libyan delegation

The visit of the Libyan delegation

The visit of the brotherly Libyan delegation Dr. Amina Al-Hamidi Chairman of the National Cancer Control Authority And Professor Dr. Omar Sharif Omar Professor of Surgical Oncology in Kasr Al-Ainy And Prof. Dr. Yasser Al-Nakhlawy For Ayady 4040

Representative / Ihab Muhammad Abu Kalila

Representative / Ihab Muhammad Abu Kalila

Ayadi 4040 Association was honored to visit Representative / Ihab Muhammad Abu Kalila, members of the Senate and a group of Alexandria women, to get acquainted with the Ayadi Hospital and the services that it gives (radiation treatment - chemotherapy) for all to treat all oncological patients who are unable.

Ayady 4040 Children's party

Ayady 4040 Children's party

A party was held for ayady 4040 children's patients on Wednesday, 5-24-2023, under the supervision of the Patients' Friends Department, and with the knowledge of the students of the Arab Academy for Science and Technology in Alexandria, and under the auspices of Dr. Nevin Al-Soghair.

pacific bridge club visit

pacific bridge club visit

The Pacific Bridge Club Foundation visited Ayady 4040 in light of their interest in charitable work around the world in order to educate young people on community participation and a sense of the suffering of others

visit of the Nation's Future Party

visit of the Nation's Future Party

The Nation's Future Party visited ayady 4040 and got acquainted with the various departments of the hospital, including the chemotherapy and radiotherapy departments, the internal department, and palliative care.

visit from the Central Security Sector in Alexandria

visit from the Central Security Sector in Alexandria

The Association received a visit from the Central Security Sector in Alexandria, on the occasion of the 71st Police Day, in the presence of Mr. Major General / Mohamed Hassan Taha (Assistant Minister and Director of the General Department of Central Security, Alexandria Region) Major General / Muhammad Medhat Major / Moataz Tharwat - Head of the Media and Public Relations Department of the Central Security And a number of officers and individuals, where the latest developments in the hospital departments were presented, and the places for installing new radiotherapy devices were also visited and symbolic gifts were distributed to patients


-AL-Hamdulilah for the arrival of containers containing 2 Elekta brand linear accelerators from the three contracted accelerators at a cost of more than 150,000,000 pounds (one hundred and fifty million pounds), with the support of the donors of Ayadi 4040, without whom we would not have been able to contract on these devices. -upon completion of the installation, the three ELEKTA accelerators will perform 300 radiotherapy sessions per day, equivalent to 90,000 sessions per year. He will be replaced due to the lack of spare parts for him by the end of this year) who are currently doing 150 radiotherapy sessions.

Central Security Sector Visit

Central Security Sector Visit

Ayady received a visit from the Central Security Sector, where they toured to get acquainted with the departments of the hospital and the services provided by the Society for the unable oncology patients for free.

Former Prime Minister's visit ENG/ Ibraheem Mehleb

Former Prime Minister's visit ENG/ Ibraheem Mehleb

Ayady received a visit from the former Prime Minister, Eng. Ibrahim Mahlab, who toured the hospital departments and got acquainted with the services provided by the association for oncology patients who are unable free of charge.

Visit from the Northern Military Region

Visit from the Northern Military Region

Visit from the Northern Military Region, Where they got acquainted with the departments of the hospital and the services it provides free of charge to those who are unable

Visit of Dr. Khaled Al-Sayed Consultant and Oncologist in Germany

Visit of Dr. Khaled Al-Sayed Consultant and Oncologist in Germany

Ayady Almostakbal Charity Oncology Hospital in Alexandria, has been started to treat tumors for poor cancer patients in cooperation with a group of experts from Germany, and has treated the first case of surgical radiology SRS

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