Visit of the Russian company Rosatom

MedScan Group, a group of companies affiliated with Rosatom, one of the leading companies in the non-governmental healthcare sector in Russia, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ayadi 4040 Foundation and Association aiming to benefit from non-energy nuclear technologies and develop nuclear medicine in Egypt, which will contribute to the development of infrastructure and the advancement of services. medical in the country.
The signing was attended by a delegation from the Russian MedScan Group headed by Antonina Filippovskaya, Director of International Projects at the group, and a delegation from Rosatom Egypt headed by Murad Aslanov, Director of the company’s regional office in Egypt, Dr. Mustafa Hilal, General Manager of the Med Pharma Group, and members of the Board of Directors of the Ayadi 4040 Foundation and Association, headed by Professor Abdel Aziz Abdel Maboud, Chairman of the Board of Directors and those in charge of this great medical edifice.

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